Powerful Features of Leave and Attendance Management by Talygen

  • Advanced Approval Workflow
  • Automated Accruals and Carryovers
  • Automated Leave Approvals
  • Biometric Integration
  • Centralized Leave Tracking
  • Comprehensive Leave Balances
  • Custom Leave Categories
  • Customizable Accrual Rules
  • Customizable Leave Policies
  • Customizable Work Hours
  • Detailed Attendance Reports
  • Drag-and-Drop Scheduling
  • Effective Resource Scheduling
  • Efficient Leave Management
  • Employee Mobile App Access
  • Flexible Accrual Rules
  • Geolocation Tracking
  • Instant Policy Customization
  • Integration with Attendance Tracking
  • Real-Time Attendance Monitoring
  • Real-Time Data Synchronization
  • Streamlined Leave Processing